Covid 19 Update
Dear valued customers,
Firstly, thank you for your patience and understanding during the period we were closed. Your kind messages were appreciated and kept our spirits up. We missed you and it has been good catching up with you all again as you also begin to take the first steps in reopening your businesses. For those of you we have not spoken with yet, we do hope you are well and wish you good luck for the coming months ahead.
Thank you again or your patience and for bearing with us as we build back up to full capacity with our sales and warehouse teams. As each week passes the signs of recovery for us all seem more promising. This has meant we have been able to get more familiar faces and voices of colleagues back to processing and despatching your orders.
We are operating contactless as much as possible, but our trade counters are now open. You are welcome to call or click and collect in advance if you wish, meaning you can pay via card over the phone or bank transfer before arrival. Goods will be left at a safe distance for collection when you arrive, so you do not need to come onto site. Alternatively, you can come into the trade counter as before where you will see some changes have been made. We are operating a maximum number of customers at any one time, we have floor markings and signage to remind people of safe distancing, we have Perspex screens to protect us both and increased hygiene routines on common touch points. At present we are accepting card payments only in the trade counters.
Our own van deliveries are also contactless meaning we must please ask that payments are made in advance via card or bank transfer. Goods will be left at safe distance upon arrival and we will then photograph them in situ as proof of delivery.
With regards to visiting you at your premises, your sales representative is currently working in-house meaning we are offering telephone or video meetings to help with any enquiries you may have. We are hoping that shortly we will be able to offer visits in person through correct distancing and PPE use.
We apologise now for any inconvenience any new procedures may cause, but equally we hope that you can understand why we are taking these steps.
We will constantly be reviewing the situation and any further information that becomes available to us. Thank you again for your understanding, we hope to speak to you soon.
Martin Cave